Substance use disorder is a disease.
It cannot be cured. It can be treated.
Nova Counseling Services can help.
Nova Counseling’s Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs
When our clients wonder, “How can I live without substances?”
Nova Counseling provides the answers.
Nova Residential
Treatment Services
At Nova, we don’t treat substance use disorder symptoms. We treat the illness. We believe that addiction to substances is a common, chronic disease that “hijacks” the brain, robbing the individual of the ability to control their use.
Terra Program Transitional Living
Throughout their time at Terra, clients are given support from a multi-disciplinary team of experienced professionals in a therapeutic environment.

“I have been sober for 5 years now and to say that a Higher Power, Nova and AA have changed my life would be an absurd understatement. I have been given a brand new one.”
— Stan. P
Substance Use Disorder
Treatment Programs
Nova staff and programs use the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous® as their foundation. We believe they are the surest way to help clients recover. Education about the illness and caring feedback through group and individual therapy are the other cornerstones for change.
Doing nothing, changes nothing.
Start doing today. Contact Nova Counseling.